• #PART6

    Alipoingia Ikulu Kabila alifuta jina Zaire na kurudisha Congo (Jamhuri ya kidemokrasia). Baadae alifikiria kuiachia Kivu, eneo lenye utajiri mkubwa wa madini adimu duniani. Akasema "to hell with Lemera Agreement" akautupilia mbali mkataba wa Lemera. Akasema Kivu itabaki Congo na madini ya Kivu yatajenga Congo. Full stop. Ashakuwa Rais utamfanya nini?

    Kagame hakuamini macho yake. Alishawaza jinsi ambavyo Rwanda ingekuwa Dubai ya Afrika kwa rasilimali za Congo. Lakini ghafla aligeukwa na mshirika wake Laurent Désiré Kabila. Akamfuata "Godfather" wake mzee Museveni. Mzee akasema kama katugeuka tumpige. Wakatafuta kikundi cha Waasi wakiunge mkono. Wakapata Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie (RCD), kilichoongozwa na Jenerali Ernest Wamba dia Wamba. Kikundi kikapewa silaha na fedha kikaanza kumshughulikia Kabila.

    RCD ikaanza kuchapana na jeshi la Congo (FARDC) ikiwa na backup ya Rwanda na Uganda. Vita vikapamba moto. Rwanda na Uganda nao wakaingiza majeshi Congo kusaidia waasi wa RCD. Kabila akaona anazidiwa, akaomba msaada Angola na Chad. Nchi hizo zikaleta vikosi vyake Congo. Mapigano yakawa makali sana. Eneo la mashariki mwa Congo likageuka machinjioni. Watu walikufa kwa wingi, mpaka maiti zikatapakaa barabarani bila kuzikwa, zikawa zinadonolewa na ndege.

    Hii iliitwa Vita ya Pili ya Congo (1998–2002), iliyokua mbaya zaidi katika historia ya vita zote Afrika. Imebatizwa jina "Vita Kuu ya Afrika". Inakadiriwa watu laki tano walipoteza maisha huku mamilioni wakikimbia nchi. Mapigano yaliendelea, huku vikosi vya Rwanda na Uganda vikichota madini. Katikati ya mapigano mgongano wa kimaslahi ukajitokeza.

    Jasin Stearns, katika kitabu chake Dancing in the Glory of Monsters, anasema Kagame alishindwa kuelewana na "godfather" wake Museveni juu ya mgawanyo wa mali. Hali hiyo ilifanya kikundi cha RCD kipasuke na kuzaliwa vikundi viwili. Cha kwanza kikajiita RCD-Goma kikiongozwa na Kanali Emile Ilunga (hiki kilisaidiwa na Rwanda) na cha pili kikajiita RCD-Kisangani, kikiongozwa na Jenerali Mbusa Nyamwisi (kikisaidiwa na Uganda).
    (Malisa GJ)

    #PART6 Alipoingia Ikulu Kabila alifuta jina Zaire na kurudisha Congo (Jamhuri ya kidemokrasia). Baadae alifikiria kuiachia Kivu, eneo lenye utajiri mkubwa wa madini adimu duniani. Akasema "to hell with Lemera Agreement" akautupilia mbali mkataba wa Lemera. Akasema Kivu itabaki Congo na madini ya Kivu yatajenga Congo. Full stop. Ashakuwa Rais utamfanya nini? Kagame hakuamini macho yake. Alishawaza jinsi ambavyo Rwanda ingekuwa Dubai ya Afrika kwa rasilimali za Congo. Lakini ghafla aligeukwa na mshirika wake Laurent Désiré Kabila. Akamfuata "Godfather" wake mzee Museveni. Mzee akasema kama katugeuka tumpige. Wakatafuta kikundi cha Waasi wakiunge mkono. Wakapata Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie (RCD), kilichoongozwa na Jenerali Ernest Wamba dia Wamba. Kikundi kikapewa silaha na fedha kikaanza kumshughulikia Kabila. RCD ikaanza kuchapana na jeshi la Congo (FARDC) ikiwa na backup ya Rwanda na Uganda. Vita vikapamba moto. Rwanda na Uganda nao wakaingiza majeshi Congo kusaidia waasi wa RCD. Kabila akaona anazidiwa, akaomba msaada Angola na Chad. Nchi hizo zikaleta vikosi vyake Congo. Mapigano yakawa makali sana. Eneo la mashariki mwa Congo likageuka machinjioni. Watu walikufa kwa wingi, mpaka maiti zikatapakaa barabarani bila kuzikwa, zikawa zinadonolewa na ndege. Hii iliitwa Vita ya Pili ya Congo (1998–2002), iliyokua mbaya zaidi katika historia ya vita zote Afrika. Imebatizwa jina "Vita Kuu ya Afrika". Inakadiriwa watu laki tano walipoteza maisha huku mamilioni wakikimbia nchi. Mapigano yaliendelea, huku vikosi vya Rwanda na Uganda vikichota madini. Katikati ya mapigano mgongano wa kimaslahi ukajitokeza. Jasin Stearns, katika kitabu chake Dancing in the Glory of Monsters, anasema Kagame alishindwa kuelewana na "godfather" wake Museveni juu ya mgawanyo wa mali. Hali hiyo ilifanya kikundi cha RCD kipasuke na kuzaliwa vikundi viwili. Cha kwanza kikajiita RCD-Goma kikiongozwa na Kanali Emile Ilunga (hiki kilisaidiwa na Rwanda) na cha pili kikajiita RCD-Kisangani, kikiongozwa na Jenerali Mbusa Nyamwisi (kikisaidiwa na Uganda). (Malisa GJ)
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  • #love #hate #sweetheart #father #mother #baby #friends #followers
    #love #hate #sweetheart #father #mother #baby #friends #followers
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  • My father my hero
    My father my hero
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  • My father my world
    My father my world
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    Don't shout at him..He is not your child. Although sometimes he acts like a child but yes you can correct him in a minimum volume tone.

    2. DO IT IN LOVE
    Correction should be done in love. Remember your husband is a human too. He makes mistakes and so do you.


    Stop criticizing him, especially infront of your friends or family, that is very degrading to men, rather correct in love, just whisper to him with a gentle hug. Most will say it's constructive criticism. But girl, men have egos too.. there self esteem are easy to breakdown.
    Correction is the act of offering better options.
    Correction and criticism are never the same

    Girl, YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS! And so does your husband.
    Every decision should be talked and planned with the both of you.
    If he said your cooking is a little salty, NEVER WALK OUT OF THE TABLE…instead appologize and offer other options. Give him sugar instead. and impove your cooking by watching cooking videos on youtube.

    If he puts the curtain rod straight or your wall decor in perfect angle, appreciate that.. you know how meticulous they are when it comes to putting wall decor. They really mean business when you request them to do that, with all the use of measuring tapes and torpedo level and rulers. An extra appreciation will make him love you more.

    Avoid correcting your husband in the presence of your children. Incessant correction of your husband infront of your children will make them disrespect him. Remember HE IS THE HEAD OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD.

    Avoid correcting your husband in public, it does not show you as a virtuous woman and will affect his self-esteem. If you do that in public, you will look like a mad dog without breeding.

    Stop correcting your husband in anger, shouting, ranting, beating and making trouble. Never push your husband to the point of him to fight back and protect himself from a rascal act of yours. By doing that, you are like adding kerosine on a burning house. Instead, invite him for a walk, hold his hand and talk about the problem.

    Thats where jelousy comes from.
    In your thought of correcting him, you might have been comparing him with other men.
    "Don't you see what your friend is doing?" Can't you learn from our neighbors husband?" "Can’t you be like cheska's husband? Or susie’s husband? Or can you be like ADAM IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN? Or like SAMSON or SOLOMON? Girl, your husband is different. When you come to a point of doing these, then REMEMBER THE TIME WHEN HE STILL COURTING YOU and why you choose him and remember how you are head over heels in love with him.

    There is no reasons why you need to get back to old issues… like “remember what you did before?? I will never ever, ever forget that!!! Bla bla bla!!!” Once the issues are done and solve, it should be totally erased in your memory… never try to open a grave… well mannered woman never do that. Stick to the present issue, discuss like adults and move on.

    "And you call yourself a MAN ENOUGH?, REAL MAN don't behave like this, you better change before I change you!." This is very wrong, don't do it… LADIES YOU DON’t change MEN! if they want to change, they will change because of LOVE. Don’t try to be a sculptor of water. For sure you can’t do that.

    Thats all that matters. If you don’t have enough respect for your husband then you are not worth the respect of your children.

    Most WIFES do want to correct in the heat of their anger, at the height of misunderstanding, when temper has already hit the roof. That is not the best time to correct, it will yield little or no result at all. MEN are simple…they have SELECTIVE HEARING. they can only hear in the low tone of your voice.

    Work together for good… change the tire together, try your best to help in your most seductive way. That will make their job easy and fast. If he is fixing a broken leg of a table, hand him the things he needs. Don’t just stand and watch your husband like you are an egyptian pharaoh mandating a slaves and ready to give a whip when he makes a mistakes.

    Husbands, most of the time are doing a great job, appreciate yours and support him to be better husband and father.


    .14 WAYS TO CORRECT YOUR HUSBAND WITHOUT HURTING HIS EGO 1. LOWER YOUR VOICE Don't shout at him..He is not your child. Although sometimes he acts like a child but yes you can correct him in a minimum volume tone. 2. DO IT IN LOVE Correction should be done in love. Remember your husband is a human too. He makes mistakes and so do you. 3. NEVER EVER CRITICIZE YOUR HUSBAND IN PUBLIC OR INFRONT OF YOUR FRIENDS. Stop criticizing him, especially infront of your friends or family, that is very degrading to men, rather correct in love, just whisper to him with a gentle hug. Most will say it's constructive criticism. But girl, men have egos too.. there self esteem are easy to breakdown. Correction is the act of offering better options. Correction and criticism are never the same 4. LETS CUT THE SAYING “WHATEVER MY WIFE SAYS” Girl, YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS! And so does your husband. Every decision should be talked and planned with the both of you. If he said your cooking is a little salty, NEVER WALK OUT OF THE TABLE…instead appologize and offer other options. Give him sugar instead. and impove your cooking by watching cooking videos on youtube. 5. PRAISE HIM FOR HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS If he puts the curtain rod straight or your wall decor in perfect angle, appreciate that.. you know how meticulous they are when it comes to putting wall decor. They really mean business when you request them to do that, with all the use of measuring tapes and torpedo level and rulers. An extra appreciation will make him love you more. 6. DON'T DO IT IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN Avoid correcting your husband in the presence of your children. Incessant correction of your husband infront of your children will make them disrespect him. Remember HE IS THE HEAD OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD. 7. DON'T CORRECT HIM IN PUBLIC Avoid correcting your husband in public, it does not show you as a virtuous woman and will affect his self-esteem. If you do that in public, you will look like a mad dog without breeding. 8. AVOID CORRECTING IN ANGER. Stop correcting your husband in anger, shouting, ranting, beating and making trouble. Never push your husband to the point of him to fight back and protect himself from a rascal act of yours. By doing that, you are like adding kerosine on a burning house. Instead, invite him for a walk, hold his hand and talk about the problem. 9. DON'T COMPARE HIM WITH ANY OTHER MAN! NEVER EVER!!! Thats where jelousy comes from. In your thought of correcting him, you might have been comparing him with other men. "Don't you see what your friend is doing?" Can't you learn from our neighbors husband?" "Can’t you be like cheska's husband? Or susie’s husband? Or can you be like ADAM IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN? Or like SAMSON or SOLOMON? Girl, your husband is different. When you come to a point of doing these, then REMEMBER THE TIME WHEN HE STILL COURTING YOU and why you choose him and remember how you are head over heels in love with him. 10. NEVER GET BACK TO OLD ISSUES There is no reasons why you need to get back to old issues… like “remember what you did before?? I will never ever, ever forget that!!! Bla bla bla!!!” Once the issues are done and solve, it should be totally erased in your memory… never try to open a grave… well mannered woman never do that. Stick to the present issue, discuss like adults and move on. 11. DON'T ATTACK HIS MANHOOD "And you call yourself a MAN ENOUGH?, REAL MAN don't behave like this, you better change before I change you!." This is very wrong, don't do it… LADIES YOU DON’t change MEN! if they want to change, they will change because of LOVE. Don’t try to be a sculptor of water. For sure you can’t do that. 12. DON'T ATTACK HIS DIGNITY GIVE YOUR HUSBAND A BUNCH OF RESPECT!!! Thats all that matters. If you don’t have enough respect for your husband then you are not worth the respect of your children. 13. DO IT IN TIME OF PEACE Most WIFES do want to correct in the heat of their anger, at the height of misunderstanding, when temper has already hit the roof. That is not the best time to correct, it will yield little or no result at all. MEN are simple…they have SELECTIVE HEARING. they can only hear in the low tone of your voice. 14. GIVE A HELPING HAND Work together for good… change the tire together, try your best to help in your most seductive way. That will make their job easy and fast. If he is fixing a broken leg of a table, hand him the things he needs. Don’t just stand and watch your husband like you are an egyptian pharaoh mandating a slaves and ready to give a whip when he makes a mistakes. Husbands, most of the time are doing a great job, appreciate yours and support him to be better husband and father. THE REAL EMPOWERED WOMAN IS THE ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO RESPECT MEN. IF YOU EXPECT YOUR HUSBAND TO BE A RESPECTABLE KING IN YOUR PALACE, THEN YOU SHOULD FIRST CREATE A PEACEFUL PALACE FOR HIM! ❤️♥️♥️💙💙💙💙♥️♥️❤️
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  • Father's sacrifice
    Father's sacrifice
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  • Niite ben, niite mkali zaidi yao...
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    Niite ndoto, nitembee juu ya bongo zao...
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  • Hauwezi kuacha kama hauja anza??
    Hautambui pancha kama hauja jaza!!
    Kuitwa hanisi mwisho wa ufather??
    Kama haulegezi huwezi kaza!!
    Risasi inapo mu UA sniper!!
    Nisawa na kutunza kisasi kwa manufaa ya Lucifer!!
    Jemedari na mchukuzi!!
    who is future kati ya rijali na mkufunzi!!
    Mpe habari na mnunuzi??
    Yupi bora kati ya mtunzaji na mgundunzi!!
    Kupuuza au kutafakali upuuzi!!
    Chagua moja kujuzwa au kujifanya mjuzi!!
    Na ndio maana kamili!!
    Dunia inakwenda mbio na haichi muhimiri!!
    Kuruta na mjeda!!
    Haiwezi kuwa sawa alpha na omega!!
    Mara angekuepo nyerere!!
    Kamongo Veep angekuepo pegere!!
    Hivyo Mungu aliwaacha wafuate tamaa zao za aibu?? Hata wanawake wakabadili matumizi ya asili!!
    Kwa matumizi yasiyo ya asili!!

    Warumi 1:26-27
    Hauwezi kuacha kama hauja anza?? Hautambui pancha kama hauja jaza!! Kuitwa hanisi mwisho wa ufather?? Kama haulegezi huwezi kaza!! Risasi inapo mu UA sniper!! Nisawa na kutunza kisasi kwa manufaa ya Lucifer!! Jemedari na mchukuzi!! who is future kati ya rijali na mkufunzi!! Mpe habari na mnunuzi?? Yupi bora kati ya mtunzaji na mgundunzi!! Kupuuza au kutafakali upuuzi!! Chagua moja kujuzwa au kujifanya mjuzi!! Na ndio maana kamili!! Dunia inakwenda mbio na haichi muhimiri!! Kuruta na mjeda!! Haiwezi kuwa sawa alpha na omega!! Mara angekuepo nyerere!! Kamongo Veep angekuepo pegere!! Hivyo Mungu aliwaacha wafuate tamaa zao za aibu?? Hata wanawake wakabadili matumizi ya asili!! Kwa matumizi yasiyo ya asili!! Warumi 1:26-27
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  • DID YOU KNOW..??
    PART 6

    》Every year for the past 100 years or so, the little city of Yoro, Honduras, has experienced some very strange weather.

    Typically occurring in May or June, "lluvia de peces" or "rain of fish" is an annual weather event in which hundreds of fish rain from the sky onto the city's streets in the wake of severe thunderstorms.

    "Fish rain" or "animal rain," as the phenomenon is commonly known, has been reported around the world for centuries. But scientific explanations for why the phenomenon occurs are few and far between.

    One hypothesis suggests that a fish rain such as lluvia de peces originates with waterspouts, which are tornadoes that move over water, sucking up small creatures living below the surface, usually fish and frogs, and depositing them elsewhere.

    However, waterspouts are not known to carry their aquatic cargo at great distances; this doesn't help explain Yoro's fishy weather, because the fish that end up stranded there are not indigenous to local rivers or streams.

    If the waterspout theory were correct, then Yoro's fish would have to come from the next-closest body of water, the Atlantic Ocean, that's about 125 miles (200 kilometers) away.

    Local legend has it that the lluvia de peces event is actually a blessing bestowed upon the people of Yoro by Father Jose Manuel Subirana, a Spanish missionary who visited the area in the 1860s and prayed for the region's poor and hungry, asking God to provide them with food.

    Perhaps the most likely theory to explain the lluvia de peces phenomenon is the one proposed by a team of National Geographic scientists, who witnessed this bizarre event while on assignment in Yoro in the 1970s.

    After noting that the washed-up fish were completely blind, the scientists concluded that the Yoro fish don't actually fall from the sky. Instead, the heavy rains preceding their appearance probably force these subterranean fish above ground.

    While this theory of the lluvia de peces makes the most sense, it's also the least romantic and is therefore largely ignored.
    DID YOU KNOW..?? IF NOT THEN NOW YOU KNOW..!!🙃 PART 6 RAIN OF FISH 》Every year for the past 100 years or so, the little city of Yoro, Honduras, has experienced some very strange weather. Typically occurring in May or June, "lluvia de peces" or "rain of fish" is an annual weather event in which hundreds of fish rain from the sky onto the city's streets in the wake of severe thunderstorms. "Fish rain" or "animal rain," as the phenomenon is commonly known, has been reported around the world for centuries. But scientific explanations for why the phenomenon occurs are few and far between. One hypothesis suggests that a fish rain such as lluvia de peces originates with waterspouts, which are tornadoes that move over water, sucking up small creatures living below the surface, usually fish and frogs, and depositing them elsewhere. However, waterspouts are not known to carry their aquatic cargo at great distances; this doesn't help explain Yoro's fishy weather, because the fish that end up stranded there are not indigenous to local rivers or streams. If the waterspout theory were correct, then Yoro's fish would have to come from the next-closest body of water, the Atlantic Ocean, that's about 125 miles (200 kilometers) away. Local legend has it that the lluvia de peces event is actually a blessing bestowed upon the people of Yoro by Father Jose Manuel Subirana, a Spanish missionary who visited the area in the 1860s and prayed for the region's poor and hungry, asking God to provide them with food. Perhaps the most likely theory to explain the lluvia de peces phenomenon is the one proposed by a team of National Geographic scientists, who witnessed this bizarre event while on assignment in Yoro in the 1970s. After noting that the washed-up fish were completely blind, the scientists concluded that the Yoro fish don't actually fall from the sky. Instead, the heavy rains preceding their appearance probably force these subterranean fish above ground. While this theory of the lluvia de peces makes the most sense, it's also the least romantic and is therefore largely ignored.
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